Community Education

What We Do

Preventing VIolence Through Education

Violence is a public health epidemic that has no socio-economic or geographic boundaries, and has a devastating impact on individuals, families, and entire communities.

YWCA York educates and connects the York County community in the shared goal of helping victims achieve safety and self-reliance while empowering the community to prevent and respond effectively to domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking, and other violent crimes. We recognize that a “one size fits all” approach to community education does not work, that diverse communities such as ours require diverse strategies, and that addressing diversity is all our responsibility.

Be a part of the Change.

Our Approach

Educating & Connecting

We believe that domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking will end only when individuals, institutions, and every segment of society are educated and empowered to take a stand against abuse and to embrace healthy, safe, respectful, and peaceful interpersonal relationships.

For Pre-K to 12th Grade Students

Prevention Education

We know from a wealth of research and experience that while violence is a learned behavior, it can be unlearned, and even prevented altogether. We provide specialized, age-appropriate training on primary prevention of violence and abuse for children and youth audiences in school or community group settings.
Boss of My Body

A child sexual abuse prevention lesson designed to educate children on how to recognize red flags, identify trusting adults, and respond to unwanted sexual contact.


Intended audience: 1st & 2nd grade

Changing Attitudes, Changing Behaviors

A series of lessons covering topics such as: Defining Caring Relationships, Defining Dating Abuse, Defining Bullying Behavior, Equal Power through Safe and Respectful Communication, Causes & Consequences of Dating Violence, Recognizing Harmful Gender Stereotypes, Identifying and Expanding our Feelings, Vocabulary, Stress & Calming Strategies, and Bystander Intervention.


Intended audience: 5th-12th grade; Customized to fit the needs of audience

Tech Safety

Staying Safe In A Virtual World

Do you know how to keep yourself safe online? Are you or someone you know being stalked online? Are you working with a survivor of domestic or sexual violence that is receiving constant threats via texts and/or emails? This training will give anyone a basic awareness to help themselves, someone they know, or someone they may be working with to stay safe online.

For HealthCare Professionals

Medical Advocacy

The Medical Advocacy Program is responsible for the coordination of YWCA York’s hospital-based Medical Advocacy Project, working on behalf of victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence in collaboration with interdisciplinary staff at healthcare facilities in York County.
Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in a Healthcare Setting

Provides healthcare professionals with a solid understanding of IPV as a public health issue including best practices for effective IPV screenings, risk assessments, and referral to victim services.

Intimate Partner Violence and Reproductive Health

Outlines the reproductive risks associated with IPV as well as suggestions on how healthcare providers can update their intake process to include questions and information about sexual health.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Helps practitioners learn how to identify a potential brain injury, one of the most common medical issues for victims of IPV, using the HELPS screening tool and best practices for working with patients who have TBI.

Creating a Trauma Informed Practice

Shows providers how to implement small but significant changes to their intakes, screenings, and patient interactions in order to create a more trauma informed environment for all patients.


0 in 10

children will be sexually abused before age 18.


0 M

high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year.


0 %

of teens who were in a violent relationship ever told anyone about the abuse.

YWCA York is working to change these numbers.

For Victim Service Providers and Volunteers

Interested in being part of the solution?

Contact us today to become a trained advocate.

YWCA York offers a 70-hour advocate training to community members who are looking to gain more knowledge on working with individuals who have been affected by gender-based violence and other violent crimes.
Why Train with YWCA York?

YWCA York is York County’s provider of comprehensive services to those impacted by violence in our community, with expertise in working with victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and other violent crimes. Our trainers are both educators and service providers.

What training topics are covered?
  • Intro to DV/SA/HT
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Values & Oppression
  • Cultural Competence
  • Confidentiality & Privilege
  • Ethics & Principals in Advocacy
  • Impact of Violence on Children
  • Skill Development
  • Functioning within Systems
  • Local Center Information & Services
How is training conducted?

This is a 70-hour training utilizing both in-class sessions and online modules for anyone who is employed by a victim service provider, interns, and direct service volunteer.

How much does training cost?

FREE for Staff, Volunteers and Interns! This training is a requirement for ALL our victim services staff, volunteers and interns that are going to be working directly with survivors. The training session is PCADV and PCAR approved and grants Confidentiality Privilege to those that complete the training and work/volunteer/intern at a local center under the supervision of PCADV and PCAR. This privilege allows protected communications between a survivor and an advocate. Training must all be completed before direct service work can begin.

What is Human Trafficking?

Human Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery that is widespread and occurs in the United States, Pennsylvania, and here in York County. As it is one of the largest criminal industries in the world and the fastest growing, we focus on victims.
Where does HT occur?
Where does human trafficking occur?

We see human trafficking victims everyday as they are found in familiar places such as city streets, strip clubs, massage businesses, hotels, and motels. We also see trafficking in places we never expect like factories, construction, truck stops, domestic work, farming and landscape, and janitorial services.

Who is at highest risk?
Who is at highest risk?

Traffickers do not discriminate; they target the young and the old, men and women, and people from all social economic backgrounds. Homeless and foster care youth are among those at highest risk of being trafficked. Young girls are the most common victims.

What is labor trafficking?
What is labor trafficking?

Labor trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage debt bondage, or slavery.

What is sex trafficking?
What is sex trafficking?

Sex trafficking is the force, fraud, or coercion to cause another person to engage in a commercial sex act. The coercion can be subtle, overt, and/or psychological.

What is sexual exploitation of children?
What is CSEC?

The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) is a range of crimes and activities involving the sexual abuse or exploitation of a child for the financial benefit of any person or in exchange for anything of value.

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Our Work

Making an Impact

What started out as a fun summer cookout with friends turned violent when Sharita was sexually assaulted by someone in her neighborhood.
She hesitated to call the police, but she was also afraid to be living in close proximity to the abuser. With the encouragement of her friend, Sharita went to the Judicial Center and found her way to the Protection from Abuse Office to seek a Sexual Violence Protection Order (SVPO).
A legal advocate from YWCA York sat down with Sharita and talked through all of her options. Together they developed a safety plan and she was given information on counseling services as well as other resources to assist in her healing. Sharita was able to complete a petition for a SVPO and went before the judge that day. Her order was granted, and after a final hearing, she was granted protection from her offender for three years.
Having a YWCA advocate speak with her and stand by her side through the process helped Sharita find her strength and her voice.
Everyone deserves to feel
Be a part of the change. Together, we can make a difference for the most vulnerable in our community and beyond.
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